Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD, one of our core faculty members of the Health and Healing Club, is coming on to answer your questions related to Heart & Cardiovascular Health.
LIVE Q&A is on Wednesday, June 23rd, at 9am Mountain Time
If you can not attend the live session, you can submit your questions ahead of time and we will get through as many as possible.

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD has treated over 47,000 patients. She leads two medical centers including the largest integrative medical clinic in North America. The offices offer a vast array of services for men, women and children, including the latest in cancer therapies, nutrition, weight loss, and so much more. Dr. Connealy is a prominent leader in the field of Integrative Medicine. She utilizes the best of all sciences, including conventional, homeopathic, eastern medicine and modern medicine. She is the Medical Director of the Center for New Medicine. www.connealymd.com
WHEN: Wednesday, June 23rd, 9am Mountain Time
Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom link was sent via email
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7 responses to “Ask the Experts (Live Q&A) Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD – Heart & Cardiovascular Health”
Can Peritoneal carcinoma be cured or controlled? Is chemo the answer?
Love your lovely personality and commitment to helping ‘stressed’ cancer patients with help n hope.
I have had low blood pressure since mastectomy and weight loss 2 yrs ago. I get nausea since chemo finished, which improves with heat pack. I feel this is from low perfusion to abdominal organs. DR wants me to take hormone blockers, but will that affect blood pressure or nausea? Thank you so much.
For naturally lowing blood pressure, what do you think of lumbrokinase, nicotinamide riboside, hawthorn tincture, and nitric oxide along with dietary improvements, deep breathing, meditation and exercise? Is there anything else you would add or do differently? Thank you!
Could you please give an overview of how to ‘pulse supplements’ effectively? between my integrative oncology team and my functional medicine doctor recommendations, I am ingesting 45 pills a day, which is a lot, but it’s down from 70 a day. If I wanted to pulse my supplements, how long do you need to be on them to gain therapeutic benefits? a couple weeks? a couple months? or could I alternate supplements weekly?
Are severely swollen feet and ankles a sign of cardiovascular disease? Is it logical that this swelling would happen mostly in high humidity areas and/or post-surgery on knees or hips?
Dear Dr. Connealy,
May you present some effective natural resources/protocols, for my 83-year-old dad, to alleviate/treat/heal:
• heart failure?
• heart arrhythmia, and in particular atrial fibrillation?
• the consequences of two strokes (some aphasia: slower memory/speech, …)?
With much gratefulness in advance, to you, to your Team members, and to the Health and Healing Club!
Can you give any dietary advise on mitral valve failure