Dr. Tom O’Bryan, one of our core faculty members of the Health and Healing Club, is coming on to answer your questions related to Healing Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease.
LIVE Q&A is on Wednesday, August 18th, at 11:30 am Mountain Time
If you can not attend the live session, you can submit your questions ahead of time and we will get through as many as possible.

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is a recognized world expert on gluten and its impact on health. He is an internationally recognized and sought after speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and the development of Autoimmune Diseases, as they occur inside and outside of the intestines.
Dr. Tom is the founder of theDr.com and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, one of the first online summits, that brought together 29 of the world’s experts on the Gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 18th, 11:30 am Mountain Time
Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom link was sent via email
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11 responses to “Ask the Experts (Live Q&A) Dr. Tom O’Bryan- Healing Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease”
Does taking an aromatase inhibitor have to potential to disrupt hormones to the level of causing SIBO? If so, what can be done? Or if SIBO is caused by a combination of taking an aromatase inhibitor and heavy stress, would that cause SIBO? How do you deal with that?
1.Is HIV an autoimmune disease that precedes Cancer? If so, do all HIV patients have to have leaky gut and therefore have to go gluten free?
What are CD4 & CD8 and what is the healthy range? What are 4 most important things to do in order to live longer and healthier with HIV?
2. Does pancreatic insufficiency lead to Pancreatic Cancer and what is the best natural treatment for it?
3. What is the natural approach to treating Stomach Cancer caused by H.Pylori
bacterial infection? Thank you!
On Pubmed, Amla Fruit, an Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus Emblica) is claimed to be a wonder berry in the treatment and prevention of Cancer in HUMANS!!!
Is this rue Dr Tom? Ihank you!
A question for the Q and A.
What are the implications for Parkinsons’ disease and are there any mitigating actions one can take.
Thank you.
What is the best test to determine if you have Leaky Gut?
What test is best to determine if you have a gluten sensitivity or is everyone sensitive to gluten?
What is SCHIZOPHRENIA? Is it autoimmune? What causes it? What are the natural solutions for it and why Schizophrenic patients are often constipated?
Thank you!
A Question for the Q&A
– What are the conditions that exempt you from taking Covid Vaccin?
– If I am forced to take Covid Vaccin? What can I do or take to minimize the short and long term side effects? Thank you!
My husband is about to start chemo (IV methotrexate and cytarabine) for a blood cancer (langerhans cell histiocytosis). What are the best ways to support his (gut) health during this time? Do you recommend saunas as well for blood cancers? Does this help gut health too?
I get seriously bloated, gassy, constipation and rotten smell in my nose coming from the stomach through the mouth when I eat beans, peanuts and eggs (1 hour after eating them). It is a terrible feeling!!! Unfortunately, those are the only affordable kinds of proteins available in Africa and I am afraid of becoming malnourished. What is the very cheapest supplement I can take to be able to tolerate the above proteins? Thank you so much!
Recently been diagnosed with breast cancer – microinvasive DCIS, part of the healing plan is Tamoxifen for 5 – 10 years everyday. What is the best path (sample foods and supplements) to prepare my gut/body before starting that regimen and during while taking the medicine (Tamoxifen).
Possibility of going for a surgery, mastectomy (left breast) and with 1-2 lymph nodes with my recent diagnosis – microinvasive DCIS. Looking for suggestions on how to prepare my gut/body with the operation as well as during the recovery. Any specific food, herbs, or supplements?