Ask the Experts – Dr. Sunil Pai, MD

As part of your purchase of the Global Cancer Symposium 2.0 and/or for being a member of the Health and Healing Club, we are doing a live Zoom meeting with Dr. Sunil Pai, MD on Wednesday, March 31st at 3:30pm mountain time. 

You can submit your questions about health and healing to Dr. Pai below, or you can join live on the zoom information below, or submit your questions in the comment section below.

Sunil Pai, MD is an internationally recognized expert in Integrative Medicine, author, video/podcaster, health activist/influencer and thought leader in the wellness industry. He was one the first formally Fellowship trained Integrative Medicine MD’s over 20 years at the Program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona directed by Dr. Andrew Weil. Dr. Pai also became one of the first Board Certified MD’s in Holistic Integrative Medicine in the U.S. He has further trained with Dr. Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and a Creating Health (Ayurveda Lifestyle) Instructor as well as studied Ayurvedic medicine in India. Additionally, he has certifications in Functional Medicine, Homotoxicology, Physiological Regulating Medicine, Acupuncture and Neuro-Acupuncture, Yoga and Plant based nutrition.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 31st, 3:30pm Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting (Click the link below at the time of the meeting):




10 responses to “Ask the Experts – Dr. Sunil Pai, MD”

  1. Georgina Avatar

    I have tiny pancreatic cysts. Is survellance needed? And if so,
    by MRI? At what intervals?

  2. Kris Nozal Avatar
    Kris Nozal

    Hi Dr Pai,
    I’m wondering what your opinion is on Chronomodulated Chemo Infusions versus IPT, low dose chemo? Both claim to have reduced toxicity to the patient. Is there one you recommend over the other? I was receiving chronomodulated chemo and am currently on a treatment break because we have debulked my tumors. But God forbid if I need to consider more chemo in the future, which type do you recommend? thanks!

  3. Kris Nozal Avatar
    Kris Nozal

    Dr Pai,
    As you know, cancer patients have lots of holistic services to consider. It can be hard to discern what’s best for us and what we can afford.
    I currently do 2-3 minute sessions of cryotherapy to build my immune system. I also do 15 minute sessions of red light/infrared light to build mitochondrial health. I do about 8-10 sessions of each a month. What is your opinion on continuing these, do you think they are worth the time and money?
    Second, what is your opinion on receiving RIFE treatments?

  4. Kris Nozal Avatar
    Kris Nozal

    Hi Dr. Pail,
    I know everyone’s cancer and bodies are different, but in general, what are the most effective off label drugs, supplements and herbs to fight cancer?
    Conventional medicine still hasn’t found a way to tackle the resistant stem cells which are at the core of cancer formation and chemo/radiation can’t wipe them out….do you have any recommendations for killing cancer stem cells?

  5. Emese Latkoczy Avatar
    Emese Latkoczy

    What is at the root of thyroid dysfunction? Which are all the tests you really need in order to accurately determine the gland’s functioning. Different for men and women?

  6. Graeme MacQueen Avatar
    Graeme MacQueen

    Dr. Pai:
    Some people recommend the herb Ashwa Gandha for cancer, reasoning that if it lowers blood sugar levels it may help starve the cancer. Do you recommend this approach?


  7. Donna J Badley Avatar
    Donna J Badley

    Dr. Pai, my stage four colon cancer just came back. I don’t want to do chemo again. Im currently taking Chinese herbs. Any suggestions? Also im taking a lot of supplements. Do you think too many supplements is bad?

  8. Patricia McKenna Avatar
    Patricia McKenna

    Hi! 6 weeks ago, I switched from 2 years on Keto diet to (clean) Vegan diet, in hopes of feeling better from systemic sjogrens w/rheumatoid arthritis. So far I have noticed only a little improvement. Is there hope I will notice more improvement as time goes on? Is there hope? I am 63 yrs old and battling auto-immune issues for years. Thank you so much. Patricia

  9. I have no question but would like to get the replay as I may not be able to attend live.
    Could you also please send me the replay of the Q & A of Dr. Connealy from March 8 as I missed it.
    Thank you, Rumi

  10. I was managing arthritis with an aip diet but had a major flare(couldn’t walk or move my hands) whileI was strictly following the diet.

    I believe I was exposed to mold at the time and I was extremely stressed. I was so stressed to the point I felt like I couldn’t handle it.

    I think I flared from a combo of the mold and the stress, but I’m wondering if stress can have such an effect over diet for autoimmune to flare?