Dr. Jennifer Simmons, our core faculty member of the Health and Healing Club, is coming on to answer your questions related to Conquering Breast Cancer Part 2.
LIVE Q&A is on Wednesday, January 19th, at 02:00pm Eastern Time
If you can not attend the live session, you can submit your questions ahead of time and we will get through as many as possible.

Dr. Jenn spent the first 17 years of her career as one of the country’s top breast cancer surgeons. Her own experience as a patient with autoimmune disease led her to functional medicine. So enamored with the prospect of preventing and reversing disease rather than masking symptoms, she left her prestigious position in 2019 to start Real Health MD, a functional medicine oasis for those affected by breast cancer. Her course, My Answer to Breast CancerTM, helps motivated women put their breast cancer diagnosis behind them by providing the tools they need to build health. Dr. Jenn’s mission is to educate those affected by breast cancer on the principles of anti-inflammatory living. Whether people know or not, chronic inflammation is the issue that leads people to a breast cancer diagnosis regardless of genetic predisposition. Dr. Jenn and her team help people to create an anti-inflammatory environment, whatever that means for them. Together they learn and install the pillars of health into their lives. These include a nutrient dense, plant-based diet, proper nourishment, restorative sleep, joyful movement, mindfulness practices, avoiding toxins in all forms, and living a spiritually full, purpose driven, connected life.
Dr. Jenn has been on Philly’s TOP DOCs consistently since 2012. In 2019, just two months after opening Real Health MD, she was on the cover of Main Line Today’s TOP DOCs issue as a top integrative medicine physician.
Dr. Simmons frequently speaks on her health journey, and on what she has learned while healing herself. She continues to serve the breast cancer population by helping them and others to achieve hormonal health.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 19th, 2:00pm Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom link was sent via email
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5 responses to “Ask the Experts (Live Q&A) Dr. Jennifer Simmons – Conquering Breast Cancer Part 2”
Hi. Fasting is a popular topic. Do you get more benefits from starving your cells or filling them with nutritional food? I’ve got Stage IV Breast cancer. Many doctors are saying 12-18 hrs per day of intermittent Fasting which doesn’t leave a lot of hours for healthy eating. Is it OK to eat one nutritional meal and a healthy snack per day? FYI, I do not need to lose weight, I’m at a healthy weight. Thanks.
Hello. In Jan 2020, I was diagnosed with HER 2+. I had a lumpectomy and only 1 lymph node out of 13 that were suspicious was removed. I declined chemo and radiation as I wish to heal as naturel as possible. They insisted that I take Letrozole because they said if it came back it would be aggressive. So from pressure from the family, I agreed to take it. And yes there are side effects. The Cancer Clinic has now booted me out in Jan 2022 because I am not doing chemo and radiation. My family doc retiring. My question. What is the safe way to stop taking Letozole when I am alone for medical help? Thank you Denyse
Im interested in learning about exercise and intensity of. I have breast cancer that has metastasized to the skin and i am not sure if pushups/press-ups and walking with lights weights which “stresses” the upper body is good or too much for the body. Whats is the ideal exercise plan/intensity when cancer is present within the body? Also, are caster oil packs (typically applied to liver area) helpful or unhelpful when placed on site of cancer?
Thank you 🙂
In December 2020, I had several E-P + H2- tumors removed from the breast including 5 nodes, 2+. The margins were not clear in one area and radiation/ Femara for 8 yrs was recommended to which I’ve declined. Luminal type A, a slow growing tumor type showed on pathology. I’ve done self care for this year, feel good except for tiny intermittent armpit pains and try to “fear not.” I take Olive Leaf as a natural aromatase inhibitor but have to guess at how much. I’m researching the best follow-up. Ultrasound was useless due to scar tissue and I also have very dense breast tissue. I eliminated the bioidentical hormone vaginal cream that I’d used for 14 years which had non-organic soy in it. That means glyphosate is in it plus multiple forms of acetone. I had amalgam fillings out, a tooth infection removed. I have eaten a high veggie, superfood 98% vegan diet for 15 yrs and vegetarian natural food for 51 years. Would MRI be the best non toxic choice? And if more tumors are found how much time should I allow my own immune system to work on them?
I was diagnosed last February with IDC 100% estrogen positive, Her 2 positive. I opted for a lumpectomy. Pathology came back stage 1 no metastasis to lymph nodes, clean margins. They wanted me to do chemo, radiation, 10 years of some form of aromatase therapy. I didn’t do any. I’m working with a naturopath and Chinese medicine/ acupuncturist. Beyond proper nutrition, supplementation, sleep, exercise what else might you recommend?