Dr. Gabriel Cousens, one of our core faculty members of the Health and Healing Club, is coming on to answer your questions related to Spirituality, Mindset and Beliefs for Healing.
LIVE Q&A is on Wednesday, October 13th, at 10:00 am Mountain Time
If you can not attend the live session, you can submit your questions ahead of time and we will get through as many as possible.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens functions as a Holistic Physician, Homeopath, Psychiatrist, Family Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner and a Chinese Herbalist. In addition, he’s a world leading diabetes researcher, ecological leader, spiritual master, founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation and Tree of Life Center US. Learn how in spiritual fasting has helped hundreds of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics reduce or completely reverse their diabetes, the importance of meditation and prayer during a fast and how to reconnect with yourself.
He is a co-founder of a West African NGO called WARES (West African Rural Health Empowerment Society), and has established health and diabetes prevention programs, children’s schools, and orphanages in 13 countries where over 1,200 children are being fed vegan food each week. He received the Cesar Chavez Award in 2013 for his nutritional and diabetes education of migrant farm workers in the U.S. As a world peace worker, holistic physician, and highly trained spiritual teacher, Dr. Cousens weaves his comprehensive, unique background into his holistic healing and writing approach to support and inspire people into the sacred joy of being free and fully alive.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 13th, 10:00 am Mountain Time
Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom link was sent via email
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One response to “Ask the Experts (Live Q&A) Dr. Gabriel Cousens – Spirituality, Mindset and Beliefs for Healing”
Hi Dr Gabriel and Nathan,
My daughter (45 years old) has uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes with severe indigestion, fat malabsorption, deficient carbohydrate metabolism, High Amylase, high C19-9, pain under the right rib cage execrating through the low back with a diagnosis of Pancreatic cancer (tumor on the head of the pancreas). Is there a connection between Diabetes and Pancreatic cancer? She is not ready for surgery and all the conventional treatment because the oncologist told her that the success rate is very low. Your help will be very appreciated. Thank you very much.